Standards & Guidelines

Highest Industry Standards Guaranteed

In order to guarantee durable and safe implementation of roof waterproofing work, standards and guidelines have been established and continuously developed over time.

For materials:

  • EN 13956 waterproofing membranes – Plastic and elastomer membranes for roof waterproofing – Definitions and properties

  • EN 13967 waterproofing membranes – Plastic and elastomer membranes for waterproofing buildings – Definitions and properties

  • EN 13501-1 Fire classification of construction products and building elements

For implementation:

  • Technical Manual Roofing of KÖSTER BAUCHEMIE AG

  • Installation Instructions of KÖSTER BAUCHEMIE AG

  • EN 1991-1-4 Wind loads

  • ETAG 006 Mechanically fastened roof systems

  • FLL-Richtlinie Root resistance of waterproofing

  • CEN/TS 1187 Test procedures for external fire exposure

  • EN 1253 Drains for buildings

  • EN 12056 Part 3 – Gravity drainage inside buildings

  • KTW – German Federal Environment Agency Guidelines

  • DVGW / German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water rules and regulations

High Tech Waterproofing that meets sustainability.